About UsThe Community Library began in 1977 with 3,000 books and a dedicated band of volunteers. Housed in one room at Salem Grade School, the library was open 28 hours a week. In 1980, a joint agreement was signed by Salem and Paddock Lake establishing the Community Library as a municipal library funded by local taxes. The Library then joined with Kenosha Public Library to form the Kenosha County Federated Library System; residents of Kenosha County now pay either a municipal or a county tax for library services. The Library moved to Silver Lake in 1981, and Silver Lake became a member of the library district in 1987. Twin Lakes and Randall joined the district in 1993 with the opening of a facility in Twin Lakes. In 1993 Paddock Lake, Silver Lake, and Salem agreed to build a much needed new facility. Construction began in June of 1994 and the new building opened in May of 1995. Community Library is part of the Kenosha County Library System. SHARE Library Catalog In January, Arrowhead Library System, serving Rock County, will join Community Library, Kenosha Public Library and Lakeshores Library System’s SHARE Library Catalog. Library cards will be accepted at 28 public library facilities throughout Kenosha, Racine, Rock and Walworth Counties. Patrons will have access to the 2.15 million items in the combined catalog.
It’s good to SHARE! Enjoy expanded services!
The mission of our Library is to create a sense of community and to provide free access to materials and services which improve minds, enrich lives, and fulfill cultural, civic, educational, and recreational needs. |